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Stewards are expected to abide by the Eight Precepts during their stay at the monastery. In exceptional cases (e.g. if you have hypoglycemia or diabetes), you may request an exception from the Eight Precepts to have a light evening snack. These exceptions must be approved by the Abbot prior to your arrival.
3-month minimum commitment. Upon arrival, all stewards undertake a 2 week trial period, to determine that stewardship is a good fit for us and you. Stewardships can be extended with approval from the Abbot.
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Please tell us about any physical situations that might affect your participation in the monastery schedule, activities, guidelines, adherence to the Eight Precepts, etc.
Name, phone number, and/or e-mail address of an emergency contact.
If you have any additional information that you would like us to know, please list it here. Limit 3,000 characters.
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