New Matching Donation of $10,000 towards our Main Building Insulation Upgrade
Earlier this month we shared an update with all of you concerning our Vihara (main building) insulation project. Since that time many of you have contributed towards our remaining costs of $50,000 and for that we wish to express our immense gratitude.
A generous donor has now stepped forward with an offer to match all Insulation Project donations made between today, August 25, and September 15, 2022, up to $10,000 in total.
If you’d like to contribute towards the costs of this monastery project, please see our Support page for the many ways you can give. Be sure to note “INSULATION PROJECT” on your donation, whether it is made to our “General Giving Fund” at CanadaHelps, through Interac e-transfer (Canadian financial institutions only; see Interac e-Transfers on our “Support” page), by cheque or by cash sent through the mail (our mailing address is at the bottom of this newsletter). We will update you later in September concerning this wonderful opportunity for Birken.
Anumodana! We rejoice in your tremendous generosity and great merit!